Surviving Tomorrow—a charity anthology to fight COVID-19
Surviving Tomorrow contains twenty-nine stories about survivors, over half of them original and published here for the first time. Struck by a desire to help people as the pandemic unfolded, editor Bryan Thomas Schmidt decided to try and use his skills as an anthologist to raise funding for COVID-19 support by creating an anthology with two purposes—fundraising and provide readers with stories that would speak to them as they manage the stress of our changing social landscape.
Bryan took the idea to a friend he knew was at that time suffering from the novel coronavirus who also happened to be a medical publisher—Peter J. Wacks—and asked if he'd be willing to build the project. Peter spoke to Isabel Penraeth—who was in the process of launching a new specialty edition publishing house—about the project… and the anthology was in incubation. People from four different publishing enterprises joined forces to bring this book to life. After conversations with the authors you see below, all of whom are allowing their work to be published without remuneration, the anthology became a living, breathing reality.
The stories in Surviving Tomorrow focus on the impacts of extraordinary circumstances on the people they depict and how they respond, and though a few are longer, most of the stories are short enough to be read in a few minutes’ time—designed to provide a brief escape from the worries of the moment into another world and renew your spirit and mind.
All profits from Surviving Tomorrow go to providing COVID-19 tests directly to the front lines of this crisis, or your portion can be earmarked for one of the charities you can select on the checkout page. As we start to achieve distributing to the front lines, we will post a thermometer here to show how many (and where) the tests are landing. Available in a limited, numbered, gold-leaf embossed collector’s edition as well as hardcover, trade paperback, and ebook, Surviving Tomorrow will provide hours of enjoyment even as it saves lives.
A special thanks to the many contributors that donated stories and art (in alphabetical order):
Claire Ashgrove * Livia Blackburne * Orson Scott Card * Beth Cato * Brenda Cooper * A.C. Crispin & Kathleen O’Malley * Cory Doctorow * Raymund Eich * Tori Eldridge * Alan Dean Foster * Julie C. Frost * Neil Gaiman * C. Stuart Hardwick * J. Kent Holloway * Jonathan Maberry & Bryan Thomas Schmidt * Andrew Mayne & Roshni “Rush” Bhatia * K.D. McEntire * Seanan McGuire * Jody Lynn Nye * Luca Oleastri * Kristine Katherine Rusch * Ken Scholes * Martin L. Shoemaker * Scott Sigler * Robert Silverberg * John Skipp * Peter J. Wacks * Jay Werkheiser * Chelsea Quinn Yarbro * Mercedes M. Yardley